WHO Priorities for 2020-2030: A Bioethical Perspective II
Prioridades OMS para 2020-2030: una mirada bioética II
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The strategic priorities defined by the World Health Organization for its work in the 2020-2030 decade are the basis of this work. The same interdisciplinary group of health professionals that reflected in the first installment on the priorities related to achieving healthier populations, continues with those other priorities grouped in achieving universal health coverage and better management of health emergencies. In the conclusions of the second installment, the importance of tackling each of the priorities is highlighted, associating civil society, the family and the media with this work. The way to do it will be by revolving all the implementation initiatives around educational strategies at all levels, properly planned, without admitting interference or pressure, to thus recover the necessary confidence to achieve solutions that are good for the human being, the ecosystem and future generations.
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