Prevalence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and its association with risk factors in population older than 40 years, living in Concepción, San Francisco, San Isidro and San Onofre towns in the municipality of Cómbita – Boyacá, Colombia.
Prevalencia de enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica y su asociación a factores de riesgo en población mayor de 40 años en las veredas: La Concepción, San Francisco, San Isidro y San Onofre del municipio de Cómbita en Boyacá, Colombia
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Introduction: One of the pulmonary illnesses that threaten the public health in the world is the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) characterized by progressive limitation to the air flow that is not totally reversible and it associates to an abnormal inflammatory caused by the inhalation of particles and environmental aggressors.
Objective: To determine the prevalence of COPD in population over 40 years in the vincities of Conception, San Francisco, San Isidro and San Onofre in the municipality of Combita which are in association to factors of risk, to characterize to the population of study by gender, age and occupation, to establish the
diagnosis through spirometry and appraisal thoracic.
Materials and methods: A study of cross section was carried out and analytic from December of 2003 to December of 2005 where were selected each one of the inhabitants over 40 years old in some vincities of the municipality of Combita and they took a sample for each one of them . The total size of the population studied was of 145 people.
Results: a descriptive analysis was carried out and bivariado in 145 people 67.6% women (40-50 years 26.9%), 32.4% men (50-59 years 26.9%) and among the ones of 60 or more years old the 46.2%. The association of the factors of risk to the chronic obstructive Pulmonary disease in the population studied show that the factor of risk that prevails is the exposition to smoke of firewood in a closed precinct with a percentage of 85,5%. The prevalence of COPD is significantly greater in female population with a percentage of 67,6% in contrast to male of 32,4% in people over 60 years. An association among the risk to cook with firewood in closed precinct with a RP was found = 9,14; an IC 95%; 1,33 to 62,58 Chi 2 11,47, p <0,00070, another of the variable associates was to smoke at present RP=2,29 IC 95% 1,59 -3,30, Chi 2 13,33, p <0,00026 for the exposition to lime a RP of 2,68 with an IC was found 95% among; 1,95 - 3,68, Chi 2 16,87; p <0,000041 for these variables the association found was statistically significant.
Conclusions: With the descriptive analysis and bivariado the prevalence of the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in population over 40 years in the paths the Conception, San Francisco, San Isidro and San Onofre of the municipality of Combita and its association to factors of risk with a percentage from 44,1% of the total of the population studied. The path with greater prevalence was San Isidro with a percentage of 48,7%; followed by The San Onofre with a percentage of 43,4%. The main factors of associated risk found in the population studied are to cook with firewood in precinct closed, to smoke at present and the exposition to the lime finding a statistically significant association. The illness prevailed in the greater of 60 years, with a percentage of 46,2%.
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