Potentially fatal asthma and vocal chord dysfunction in a patient with psychosocial stress as possible trigger for asthma crises
Asma potencialmente fatal y disfunción de cuerdas vocales en paciente con estrés psicosocial como posible desencadenante de crisis asmáticas
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Psychiatric disorders are a common causes of morbidity in general population and their association with organic diseases, including lung diseases is common. The relationship between mental illness and these diseases can lead to poor adherence to medical treatment, as well as increased use of controller medications and relievers. The case we present here shows the association between lung diseases, in this case near-fatal asthma with vocal cord dysfunction (VCD), where the personal psychosocial component could trigger severe exacerbations with significant morbidity for the patient, deteriorating her life quality and requiring aggressive drug therapy. This is why it is vitally to recognize these stressors in order to initiate an integral therapy, achieving greater adherence and decreased exacerbations, hospitalizations and avoiding escalation therapy.
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