JaPer Method. A new strategy to improve inspiratory capacity. Randomized clinical trial
Método JaPer. Una nueva estrategia para mejorar la capacidad inspiratoria. Ensayo Clínico Aleatorizado
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Introduction: Pulmonary diseases can generate hospitalizations, prolonged stays, complications and even death. These diseases have a negative impact on inspiratory capacity and quality of life. Therefore, this paper tries to analyze the effects of the JaPer method on the inspiratory capacity of hospitalized patients.
Materials and methods: Randomized clinical trial initially with 653 patients, which went on to 587 hospitalized patients distributed in 2 groups (Experimental group: JaPer Method vs. Control group: Conventional use of volumetric inspirometer). Maximum inspiratory capacity, 6-minute walk, anthropometry, and a questionnaire created by the authors were determined. A 2-week training program of 3 sessions per day was applied. The GE applied the Japer Method with a standardized protocol to exercise between 50 and 80% of the patient's maximum inspiratory capacity, and the CG underwent inspiratory incentive at maximum inspiration.
Results: 587 patients (F:300 vs M:287) with a mean age of 53.61±14.24 years and 9.88% of the population were underweight, 17.89% normal weight and 27.26% and 44.97% overweight and obese, respectively. All participants performed a 6-minute walk to determine meters traveled (GE: 387.70±47.59 vs CG: 371.30±49.10), speed (GE: 64.62±7.93 vs CG: 61.88±8.18) and estimated VO2 (GE: 9.96 ±0.79 vs CG: 9.69±0.82). All variables and maximal inspiratory capacity (GE: 1708.54±707.84 vs CG: 1448.83±692.79) were determined before and after training.
Conclusions: The JaPer method obtained better results in all the variables evaluated with a significant difference (p=<0.05) compared to the control group. Highlighting that the maximum inspiratory capacity increased in both groups (GE:44% vs CG:28%; p=<0.05).
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