Asthma exacerbation in an IV level clinical at Barranquilla: clinical and sociodemographic characteristics
Exacerbación de asma en una clínica de IV nivel en Barranquilla: características clínicas y sociodemográficas
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INTRODUCTION: a substantial fraction diagnosed patients with asthma belong to “uncontrolled” subgroup and have higher risk to present exacerbations, being morbidity and mortality cause main; besides being reason main to go at the emergency department. Available hospitalizations data and asthma exacerbation incidence at the emergency department come Anglo-Saxon countries. At Colombia, there are underdiagnosis disease and an increased prevalence, but there are not studies evaluating epidemiological characteristics adult patients with asthma exacerbations.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: observational, descriptive, retrospective, cross-sectional study included 523 medical records asthma exacerbation patients treated in the emergency room of a fourth-level healthcare center in Barranquilla between January and December 2017.
RESULTS: 0.93 % all emergencies attended during 2017, represented to asthma exacerbation patients older than 16 years old. Exacerbation median was 1.43 visits per day. 47 +/- 19 years patients mean age. 68 % were women. 13.1 % events occurred on September and associated triggering main factor was viral infection in 93.2 %.
CONCLUSIONS: this study provides data that highlights the important burden represents exacerbations asthma adult population in healthcare system, in relation to the attention provided at the emergency services, more frequently in rainy season, and suggests viral respiratory infections could be underlying cause for it.
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