Pulmonary embolism in the presence of SARS CoV-2 infection: An atypical presentation in a young patient
Embolia pulmonar en presencia de infección por sars - cov 2: una presentación atípica en un paciente joven
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INTRODUCTION: Viral infections such as the one emerging from COVID 19 produce hypercoagulable and pro-inflammatory states that can trigger pulmonary thromboembolism, being a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge for health personnel. Being a new disease, all of its symptoms are not yet known. We present the clinical case of a patient with acute dyspnea and hemoptysis secondary to segmental pulmonary embolism, in the context of confirmed COVID-19 infection.
CASE PRESENTATION: A 37-year-old male patient with a history of arterial hypertension, without prothrombotic risk factors, with acute symptoms of chest pain, dyspnea and frank hemoptysis. Paraclinical patients with d-dimer and elevated ferritin, positive SARSCOV2 RTPCR, chest CT angiography showing segmental pulmonary thromboembolism and ground glass pattern in the anterior basal segment of the lower lobe. He complied with antibiotic and anticoagulant management with full dose enoxaparin and subsequently with direct oral anticoagulant, rivaroxaban on an outpatient basis.
CONCLUSION: Infection by the new coronavirus can trigger thrombotic events such as pulmonary embolism, which becomes a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge for clinicians, with a presentation that ranges from general to more specific symptoms, among which hemoptysis stands out, which is why which, the present one aims to show the importance of a sequential evaluation when making the clinical diagnosis. In the same way, to expose the need not to neglect the atypical manifestations related to hypercoagulable states, since they cannot suggest pathologies that put the patient's life at risk.
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