“Asthma”: Prescription for treatment in the Viceroyalty of New Granada in the 18th century
“Asthma”: receta de tratamiento en el Virreinato de la Nueva Granada en el siglo XVIII
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OBJECTIVE: To present a medical prescription of the eighteenth century in the Vicero- yalty of New Granada, which describes the treatment of asthma.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: A documentary search in the historical archive of the Octavio Arizmendi Posada Library at the University of La Sabana (Chía, Colombia) was performed, where a collection of a hundred colonial medical recipes of the 18th century is preserved; we present a transcription of one of them, entitled “Asthma”, with a subsequent revision of the pertinent scientific literature.
CONCLUSIONS: This colonial prescription shows its usefulness for treating symptoms induced by asthma and constitutes a clear example of compared therapeutics through the ages. In addition, this prescription should also be recognized as a documentary example of the historical evolution of medicine, since the colonial times of the overseas territories of the Spanish Crown.
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