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Assessment of CURB-65, Quick-SOFA and Charlson Index in the prediction of mortality and Long of Stay in patients with Acquired-community Pneumonia

Evaluación de índices CURB-65, Quick-SOFA e índice de Charlson en la predicción de mortalidad y estancia hospitalaria en pacientes con neumonía adquirida en la comunidad

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Assessment of CURB-65, Quick-SOFA and Charlson Index in the prediction of mortality and Long of Stay in patients with Acquired-community Pneumonia.
rev. colomb. neumol. [Internet]. 2018 Nov. 13 [cited 2024 Nov. 23];30(1):7-17. Disponible en:


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INTRODUCTION: Acquired-community pneumonia (ACP) is a main infectious disease that affect in geriatric people, and, might be potentially a cause of mortality associated to develop pulmonary sepsis. The present study has as objective assessment CURB-65, q-SOFA and Charlson Indexes in the association with Mortality and Long Stay in patient with ACP.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: We realized an observational, analytic, retrospective study, in the Regional of Duitama Hospital on June-December of 2016. We selected patients with clinic, paraclinic and radiology diagnostic of ACP. We evaluate variables demographics, comorbidities, clinic conditions and outcomes of mortality, long of stay and use of broad antibiotic according to CURB-65, q-SOFA and Charlson Indexes.
RESULTS: We recollected a sample of 116 patients. 77.5% were more 75 years. CURB-65 and q-SOFA are associated with mortality (CURB-65 AUC: 0.75 [0.61-0.88 %]; q-SOFA AUC: 0.73 [0.59-0.88]). CURB-65 ≥ 3 points have S: 64% E: 79%, and q-SOFA ≥ 2 points have S: 64% E: 85%. Charlson Index don’t have a good prediction to mortality in the management acute. The three indexes don’t associate with a good prediction with Long Stay and Use of Broad Antibiotic.
CONCLUSIONS: The q-SOFA and CURB-65 are indexes that might use in the management acute of ACP to estimate mortality in the patient.

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