Características psicosexuales de las personas adultas con tuberculosis pulmonar que consultan a la ESE Hospital La María de Medellín, 1999
Características psicosexuales de las personas adultas con tuberculosis pulmonar que consultan a la ESE Hospital La María de Medellín, 1999
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Backgrand. This investigation begins with the need of the Hospital' s Staff trom the Ese Hospital La María, to research the psicosexual characteristics of the people.
Objetive. To describe sorne of the general characteristics of the sexual behavior in people with pulmonar tuberculosis, users of the Empresa -Social Del Estado Hospital La María, Medellín, who contribute with elements to give atention to these people and to help them with alive quality.
Design. Prospective and transveral study; The patients that were on the second phase of the tuberculosis treatment during the first semester ot 1999, were selected.
Material and methods. 90 patients who consulted to the ESE Hospital la María were inquired. The social - demographic variables were included, psicologica/ as healthy lite styles, self- control; sexuals, as the sexua/ity expressions ( not identity nor sexual variations were included) and socia/s where family and friends were included, the same, the creased with the sickness.
The Zung test was applied as a method to identify depression. A sensibilastion in group was made made to eva/uate different psicosexual aspects and the relation with the illness
Results. The tuberculosis it was presented in both sex; the age predominated on the productive stage, and in eve¡y seo/ar age with predominance in the mild low and low social levels. The self-control were alter and general, without relate with age. In a half of the population, depression was shown, since a slight stage until a serious stage. On sexual expressions is shawn a diminution in sexual, the kisses, the caresses and the intercourse, getting the opposite with the masturbation, erotic dreams and sexual tantasies. In the family 's relation ship there is a positive change affecting the economic tuntion. In social relationships we see loneliness, iso/ation and fear to be discovered their disease.
Conclusions. In the studied population the psicological aspects suffer a negative change and a tendency to depression. The sexual behavior wich include other people, are the ones that suffer the major alteration. The family is a big suppor to these patients, but not their friends because they nefuse the disease.
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