COPD in a second level health care Institution in Bello, Antioquia, 2002-2007
Caracterización de la EPOC en una unidad de segundo nivel de atención en salud de Bello, Antioquia 2002-2007
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Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a treatable and preventable disease, is featured by the airflow limitation not fully reversible.
Objective: Compile information from COPD patients who attend to Rosalpi Hospital (Bello-Antoquia).
Methods: It’s an epidemiological, observational, descriptive and retrospective trial, type cases series in 139 patients with COPD clinical criteria, registered in the clinical histories in a second level hospital between 2002-2007.
Results: Clinical presentation for the patients accord to Anthonisen criteria was: 74.64% with dyspnea increase, 77.42% sputum production increase and 41.80% changes in sputum color. There weren’t statistically significant differences in age or sex at clinical presentation (p>0.05 respectively). Chronic bronchitis was present in 45.45% of the patients, emphysema 25.62% and mixed presentation 28.93%. During 2003-2004 there were statistically significant differences between tobacco exposure and exacerbations (p=0.049 and p=0.014 respectively).
Conclusion: 42,86% COPD patients didn’t have tobacco exposure and 84.40% didn’t report smoke exposure from wood fires. This suggests that COPD in these patients arises from other factors, like air pollution or toxic contamination from their workplaces or homes.
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