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Early ablation as a risk factor for very severe pneumonia

Ablactación temprana como factor de riesgo para neumonía muy grave

Research article

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Early ablation as a risk factor for very severe pneumonia.
rev. colomb. neumol. [Internet]. 2018 May 10 [cited 2024 Nov. 24];29(2):23-7. Disponible en:


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Oscar Valderrama Espitia
    Eliana Paola Valderrama Martínez
      Andrea Carolina Zárate Vergara
        Irina Suley Tirado Pérez

          Introduction to: Pneumonia is a frequent cause in pediatrics that continues to be one of the main causes of morbidity and mortality; in its study, risk factors have been found, so ablation remains a problem.Material and methods: Descriptive, retrospective study, data considered in the database in clinical records in children under the 5 years, stored data and studies in Excel program shown in tables and percentages.Results: The study tube a sample of 93 stories, whose result were distributed in the following manner the percentage of those who were under the age of 2 months and had very severe pneumonia been lower than in the group of older than 2 months to 5 years: 4.30%, corresponding to 4 patients and 95.7% corresponding to 89 patients, respectively. Group of patients younger than 2 months with very severe pneumonia that had or not early ablactacion is the same, due to the scarce population included in this category, it is not possible to determine a relationship of the early ablactacion as risk factor for the presentation of very severe pneumonia. According to the results of the study can be seen that the percentage of patients with a history of early ablactacion was higher in the Group of older than two months to 5 years (58.4%) versus one smaller percentage (41.5%) of the patients who did not have this antecedent.Discussion: To show that over 50% of the study population presenting pneumonia and early ablactacion indicates a significant relationship between this and the presentation of very severe pneumonia in children, mostly over the age of 2 months to 5 years, we can conclude one relationship between early ablactacion and suffering from a respiratory infection severe, by which breastfeeding continues being a protective factor against several diseases including respiratory involvement.

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