Epidural anesthesia in awake thoracic surgery
Anestesia peridural con paciente despierto para cirugía de tórax
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General anesthesia combined with epidural aneslhesia is currently the technique of choice in patients undergoing thoracic surgery. However, new studies suggest that epidural anesthesia alone could have sorne benefits. A prospective study was done which included all patients who underwent thoracoscopy for any thoracic procedure performed with epidural anesthesia with the patient awake. Twenty (20) patients were included and followed up durlng their whole hospital stay in search for adverse cardiac, pulmonary, renal, or hydroelectrolytic adverse effects, death, or events related with postoperative pain management. Tale pleurodesis, decortications, and wedge resections were performed. Four patients had any complication and 3 patients died due to their basal illness. This study suggests that awake epidural anesthesia is a safe technique for thoracoscopic procedures. lt is associated with low rates of respiratory complications and postoperative pain. Further clinical studies are needed in order to confirm this observation.
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