Comportamiento del cáncer oral en los pacientes atendidos en la unidad de estomatología del Hospital Universitario de Cartagena entre enero de 1991 y diciembre de 1998
Comportamiento del cáncer oral en los pacientes atendidos en la unidad de estomatología del Hospital Universitario de Cartagena entre enero de 1991 y diciembre de 1998
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Objetives. 1. Determine the number of oral cancer cases, establishing its correlation with sorne variables with an end result countíng on prelímínary bases on whích to later develop regional programs concerníng prevention with respect to this pathology. 2. Motívate the natíonal orthodontíc community to not only perform early diagnosis and timely treatment of the oral cancer; but also measures of preventíon with respect to this pathology.
Design. Descriptíve retrospective study.
Methods. Three hundred and níne clínícal histories were revíewed wíth a diagnosis of oral cancer. Gritería far ínclusíon was defíned the fact of countíng on posítíve anatomíc pathologícal study was conducted.
Results. In 163 patíents (92%) a correlatíon was found between tobacco and oral cancer. Females were the most affected gender (57%-101 cases) wíth the majoríty of the diagnosis made between the ages of 70 and 79. The most affected populatíon were those originating from rural areas. The most frequently affected area was in the palate. The majoríty of the hístologícal diagnosis was the squamous cell carcinoma.
Conclusion. A hígh correlatíon was found between oral cancer and tobacco (92%) having as an important method of consumption (46%) that which is called inverted tobacco (inserting in the oral cavity the distal end of the cigarette in which combustion occurs). This method of tobacco consumption, mostly used by fema/es, appears to be most frequently seen in Atlantic and Pacific shores of our country as opposed to the Mountaín regían.
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